The Cancer Center at Illinois (CCIL) was recently named the 8th campus-wide research institute that reports to the OVCR, and we have been working hard over the summer to build a sustainable, focused center. We’ve been refining the CCIL vision, developing our organizational structure, sharpening our research focus, and expanding our available resources. We have also added two new members to our External Advisory Committee and developed new campus partnerships with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications and the Social and Behavioral Sciences Research Initiative.

The CCIL has also recruited new cohorts for ResearcHStart, Cancer Scholars Program, C*STAR, and TiME and launched several engagement activities, including events with the Illini 4000 and Prairie Dragon Paddlers. Finally, we’re now on Twitter, so be sure to give us a follow and hear about the latest Cancer Center news.

The CCIL future is bright, and we’re ready for some exciting things this year.